
On Wednesday I had the privilege of meeting with a group of Ag related women in regards to Common Ground.  What is CommonGround? To put it simply I’ll quote from their website: “it’s all about starting a conversation between women who grow food, and the women who buy it.”  Those of us women directly connected to agriculture, opening up and asking what do you want to know, how can I help to educate you about the food you are buying that we are producing for you.

I am very proud of what my husband & I have done with our farm.  I can’t think of a better place and way to raise our children.  I think we sometimes forget that there are families/children that are multiple generations removed from the farm.  Those families don’t have Grandpa to visit at Christmas on the farm.  CommonGround is our way of reconnecting them.

In addition to meeting with some awesome women, we were able to attend the premier showing of Farmland. Go and see it if you can!  It follows 6 young farmers/ranchers that are in their 20s, responsible for running their family farm.  I hope that anyone that watches the movie, ag or non-ag, will gain & learn something.

My favorite line from the movie….”We’re not hiding anything but what do you want to know.”

Click here to watch the trailers for Farmland.